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Black People, this should be our response to the world's hatred of us

  It is hard to deny that anti-black racism is at a height not seen since the pre-civil rights movement. America has always led the world in modelling this reproach to people of African descent, and the world has historically taken their cues from America, either through the news stories or through the stereotypes of black people portrayed in Hollywood movies. Ever since Donald Trump came into the political scene, however, this hate has entered into hyperdrive. It looks like open season against black people. People of all other races have become bolder and more overt in their anti-blackness. No longer do they hide under hoods or digital anonymity to make anti-black racist content. They are out and proud showing their faces as they spew racists sentiments and content. My black people, we are on our own. There is no POC solidarity. We are on our own... With that realization, I want to give some tips on how we must act accordingly to protect ourselves and preserve our joy and purpose....

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